Update 6.4.2020
It is with a heavy heart that we are announcing our 23rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament will be postponed until 2021. With uncertain times and the event location not able to guarantee that they could host us properly in the style we are accustomed to, we made the decision to postpone. Your health and safety as well as our employees are our highest priority!
The rescheduled tournament will be held at the same place, The Resort at Squaw Creek Golf Course. The new event date will be, Friday, August 13th, 2021. For those of you who have already purchased teams and sponsorships this year I will be reaching out to you directly.
I want to thank you for your continued support in our tournament and I look forward to a safe and “normal” tournament next year. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
All sponsorships include 1 golf foursome with the sponsorship
Title Sponsorships –
- Title Sponsor – Company name will be placed on the tournament gift along with Tanamera’s tournament logo. Company name and logo will be printed on a sign and displayed at the designated area during registration and BBQ lunch. Company name and logo will be printed on the tournament event schedule on the carts. The company will also be acknowledged during the BBQ lunch afterwards.
Golf Ball Sponsorship –
- Golf Ball Sponsor – Company name or logo will appear printed on the tournament golf balls that we supply in the tournament gift bag. Company name will be printed on the tournament event schedule on the carts. The company will also be acknowledged during the BBQ lunch afterwards.
Platinum Sponsorships –
- Drink Sponsor – Company name or logo will appear printed on each drink ticket that we supply in the tournament gift bag. Company name will appear printed on a sign on the drink cart or at the drink hole during the tournament. Company name will be printed on the tournament event schedule on the carts. The company will also be acknowledged during the BBQ lunch afterwards.
Gold Sponsorships –
- Hole-in-One Sponsor – Company name will appear printed on a sign and placed at the designated Hole-in-One tee during the tournament. Company name will be printed on the tournament event schedule on the carts. The company will also be acknowledged during the BBQ lunch afterwards.
Silver Sponsorships –
- Breakfast Sponsor – Company name will appear printed on 1 sign and placed at the designated area during breakfast. Company name will be printed on the tournament event schedule on the carts. The company will also be acknowledged during the BBQ lunch afterwards.
- Lunch Sponsor – Company name will appear printed on 1 sign and placed at the designated area during lunch. Company name will be printed on the tournament event schedule on the carts. The company will also be acknowledged during the BBQ lunch afterwards.
Bronze Sponsorships –
- M’s/W’s Closet to the Pin Sponsor – Company name will be printed on the signs at the designated holes. Company name will be printed on the tournament event schedule on the carts. Company will also be acknowledged during the BBQ lunch afterwards.
- M’s/W’s Longest Drive Sponsor – Company name will be printed on the signs at the designated holes. Company name will be printed on the tournament event schedule on the carts. The company will also be acknowledged during the BBQ lunch afterwards.
- Driving Range Sponsor – Company name will be printed on the signs at the designated holes. Company name will be printed on the tournament event schedule on the carts. The company will also be acknowledged during the BBQ lunch afterwards.
Golf & Tee Sponsorship –
- Includes 1 golf foursome and the company name will appear printed on an 18×24 tournament sign and placed on the course. Company name will be printed on the tournament event schedule on the carts. The company will also be acknowledged during the BBQ lunch afterwards.
Tee Sponsorship (no golf) –
- Includes the company name printed on a 18×24 tournament sign and placed on the course. Company name will be printed on the tournament event schedule on the carts. The company will also be acknowledged during the BBQ lunch afterwards.
Date: August 13th, 2021
Place: Resort at Squaw Creek Golf Course
Dress Code: Collard shirt, shorts, pants
Time: 9:00am Shotgun
Registration: 7:30am
Breakfast: 7:30am
BBQ Lunch: 2:00ish
Sponsorships: For all of our sponsorships see below.
Charity: This year our charity of choice is JDRF (Junior Diabetes Research Foundation)
Payment: You can pay by check (made out to Tanamera Construction, LLC) or by credit card (please call Nachele for CC payment)
Entry Deadline: June 4th, 2021
For more information in regards to sponsorships please contact Nachele Seuss at 775-850-4200 ex131 or email her at nseuss@tcnev.com.
Room Accommodations
Place: The Resort at Squaw Creek
Golf Discount
Rate: The week of the tournament you can play Squaw for $79 including cart. Just mention Tanamera’s tournament. Sunday – Thrusday (August 2nd – 6th).